RAMIDUS TOTE BAG size down model. 2WAY specification of handbag and shoulder bag. The length can be adjusted by moving the knot of the strap cord. You can also use it as a mini bag by removing the strap. The material used is dyed with the "e.dye waterless color system", which can reduce the amount of water used by 85%, the amount of chemical substances emitted by 90%, and the amount of CO2 emitted by 12% compared to normal dyeing. It is also characterized by no discoloration or bleeding because it is dyed at the thread stage.
・ Upper snap button opening / closing
・ Interior slot pocket
・ Shoulder strap removable
・ Strap adjustment range 95cm-165cm (inner circumference)
Product Code
Surface: Polyester
Other (tape): Jacquard weaving polyester
W290 H260 D45 (mm)